A non-alcoholic bubbly raspberry drink that’s perfect for special occasions or any occasion. Give it a try! Ingredients: 1 cup red raspberries 1/4 cup filtered water. 2/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup 1 quart cold club soda 12 raw cranberries to garnish (optional) Directions: In a pot, bring water to […]
Clementine Smoothie
A creamy clementine smoothie, with pineapple to make it sweeter. Have it with your breakfast, in place of orange juice, or turn it into a frozen dessert — among the variations for this recipe you’ll find directions for creamy pops and sherbet. Ingredients: 6 clementines, peeled 1 cup crushed pineapple 1 (14oz) can coconut milk, […]
Probiotic Fruit Drink
A fruity, gingery, tart, yet slightly sweet probiotic drink. If you can’t imagine it, make some and try it for yourself. It’s delicious! And it’s cultured, which means that it contains the kind of live bacteria that is said to be good for your digestive system. Ingredients: 2 nectarines, pitted 8 strawberries 1-inch piece ginger […]
There’s nothing better on a hot summer day than a cool refreshing glass of lemonade. Ingredients: 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 4 cups cold distilled water 1/4 teaspoon Stevia or more to taste 1 cup ice cubes Directions: Pour the freshly squeezed lemon juice into a large glass pitcher. Add the distilled water and […]

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