If you think that the only thing vegans eat are carrot sticks and celery, think again. This nondairy frozen dessert will make you wish you were vegan. Enjoy it on special occasions or when craving a bit of chocolate or something cool on a hot summer day. Ingredients: 1/2 cup pine nuts 1/3 cup cashews, […]
Nondairy Vanilla Ice Cream
Just because you’re vegan doesn’t mean that you have to give up ice cream. This creamy and delicious nondairy frozen dessert should make you happy. If you serve it with Cacao Cake Balls you might even become ecstatic. Ingredients: 1/2 cup pine nuts 3/4 cup raw cashew pieces, soaked 2 hours in filtered water, drained […]
Mock ‘Chicken’ Salad
This salad uses sunflower seeds, vegan mayo, and fresh herbs for a great tasting chicken salad substitute. Try it — you’ll like it! Ingredients: 3 1/2 cups sunflower seeds, shelled, raw 2/3 cup homemade Vegan Mayo or store-bought Vegenaise or other vegan mayonnaise substitute Vegenai VegenaiseVegenaise or other vegan mayonnaise substitute 3 scallions, finely chopped, white […]
Cacao Cake Balls
One or two of these bite-size treats is just enough to satisfy a chocolate lover’s craving. This recipe calls for cacao powder and cacao nibs. Cacao powder is produced by cold-pressing unroasted cocoa beans, and cacao nibs are raw cacao beans that have been crumbled into small chunks. Both the powder and nibs provide nutritious […]

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