A tasty and nutritious milk for both children and adults to enjoy. You can drink almond milk from a glass, dunk your gluten-free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies in it, pour it over Marvelous Muesli, or use it in most recipes in place of dairy milk. Ingredients: 1 cup raw almonds, soaked for 8 hours or overnight, […]
Flax Seed ‘Eggs’
This is a mixture that can be used in place of eggs in most baking, and is best if made fresh. It’s the equivalent to one egg. Double, triple . . . this recipe to make the amount of ‘eggs’ needed. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon flax seeds, ground 3 tablespoons warm water Directions: If using whole […]
Stevia Powder and Liquid
Stevia can be added to foods and beverages to give them a sweet taste. It’s non-glycemic (won’t raise your blood sugar), calorie-free, and much much sweeter than refined white sugar — so you only need a small amount. Some find stevia slightly bitter, but given time your taste buds adapt. You may even grow to […]

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