A delicious and refreshing punch made with a juice extractor. Juicing* presses or shreds vegetables and fruits and remove all the pulp, which is ideal for juice cleansing**. Ingredients: 4 carrots (2 cups chopped) 2 celery stalks (2/3 cup chopped) 1/4 medium beet (1/2 cup) 1/4 pineapple, rind*** removed (1 1/2 cups chopped) 1 tablespoon […]
Raspberry Lime Shake
A creamy and flavorful shake made with raspberries, limes, cashews, and sweetened with agave. Make it an after-dinner dessert, or have it anytime! It’s delicious. Ingredients: 1 cup raw cashews, soaked in filtered water for 20 minutes, drained 3/4 cup frozen raspberries 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lime juice 1/4 cup agave, light 1/2 cup cold […]
Green Shake
Shakes are usually thicker than smoothies, and smoothies are usually thicker than juices. It has to do to the base* or method used in producing the drink. This recipe is for a thick, avocado-base, green shake! Ingredients: 2 large kale or romaine lettuce leaves, stems and center veins removed 1 avocado 1 celery stock 1/2 […]
Apple Ginger Mocktail
This mocktail is made with a delicious combination of apple, ginger and a few other choice ingredients, resulting in a sophisticated drink. Serve it to your guests in wine or champagne glasses and toast to good health. Ingredients: 4 green apples, cored and cut into 2-inch pieces 2-inch piece ginger root, peeled 2 1/2 cups […]

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